Ten temporary workers from the Manpower employment agency attended a three-week training programme on barrel-making techniques (repairing, wooden hoops and hammering) at the apprentice training centre (CFA) of Cognac. For five of them, it was additional training since they had taken part in a similar programme in 2015.
Strongly committed to such training initiatives, Tonnellerie Taransaud is the first cooperage to have developed this type of training as part of a real partnership with a temporary employment agency and to have continued it over time, with the aim of benefiting from more qualified staff during high-workload periods. These formalised training programmes are covered by financial support (90% of the funding comes from Manpower).
A symbolic ‘graduation’ ceremony was held at the cooperage on 30 August to congratulate the participants and thank them for their involvement and attendance. Marc Duseaux, Managing Director, took advantage of the occasion to affirm that last year, the cooperage hired ten employees for its workshops and intends to continue hiring in the context of its development.
Stay tuned next year for updates on these actions.